Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Warning! Flu Bug Season

School has begun, summer is over, and fall is just beginning. Amazing how quickly the time does fly by which brings to mind a much needed reminder about flu bug season. As shared in a previous post about hand washing, it is time to remember taking proper care of ourselves.

One can follow some simple measures:

* Increase Vitamin D - In October the levels of sun exposure drop thereby causing lower levels of Vitamin D. Vitamin D is know to help make bones strong, but it also has a role in helping to strengthen the immune system.

* Drink plenty of water - when the body's saturation is insufficient enough during the cold season, the mucus membranes that are the first line of defense dry up thereby allowing foreign invaders in.
* Keep thermostats at a decent temperature throughout the day. 65 degrees to 72 degrees is ideal. When thermostats are set to high, the home becomes very dry due to the high amount of heat. By keeping the temperature regulated, keeps the home from drying out.
* Reduce stress
* Get plenty of sleep
* If sick, use hand sanitizer to prevent the spread of germs to other family members
* Wash hands frequently
* Eat healthy
* Exercise
* Handle and prepare food safely - clean hands and surfaces often
* Cook foods to proper temperatures
* Refrigerate foods promptly
* Clean and disinfect surfaces routinely

The measures listed are simple and effective for the flu bug season. Does it prevent a person from catching a virus? Not always, but an ounce of prevention can help keep the germs away.
Yours in Healthy Living,
Graciey Anniey (aka Annie Margaret Thompson, Annie, Real Simple Healthy Living for You)

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